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The New Age: Apps On The Move

The New Age: Apps on the Move

With technology advancing between phones, computers, iPads, tablets and so on, companies are creating more apps than ever. Mobile apps are one of the fastest growing categories of mobility today. One of the reasons mobile apps are rising is because they are simple and cost effective. Another key aspect for their popularity is that many of them don’t need constant Internet connection.

So people can keep updated on weather, email, and any social media network. App downloads are increasing every year. Downloads are predicted to grow to exceed 200 billion per year by the end of 2017.

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Mobile apps are becoming the “go to” solution for many companies to get their brand known. Since everyone is on their phones anyway, it is easier for businesses to make apps to keep connected to customers. My question is, what will happen in the future for apps?

With technology constantly growing and evolving, apps will do the same. I don’t think there will be a near threat for the popularity of mobile apps because in reality, we are attached to our phones and pretty much rely on them.

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Author: Alex Dudevski

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