Valentine's Day Survival Kit For Fisher Singles
The holiday that college students either dread or love is coming our way next week. Your life is either bound to be filled with love, chocolates, flowers and heart felt notes or solo movie dates, holiday loathing and awkward dinner date invitations. Single or taken Valentine’s Day is approaching. Here are some college survival tips for single individuals on campus this Valentine’s Day.
1.) Treat Yourself
Buy yourself one of those heart shaped cookies with pink frosting from Cyber Café. Eat it with single pride. You can even pretend someone else bought it for you. Either way; treat yourself to something sweet… you deserve it.
2.) Be prepared for the Valentine’s Day flirters
Some individuals feel that Valentine’s Day is a free for all to openly flirt with their crushes. These individuals may wait all year long for this day to throw a poorly timed pick up line in your direction. Note that this is usually extremely uncomfortable and awkward. However, if you’re lucky, your crush that sits behind you in stats may turn out to be one of these Valentine’s Day flirters.
3.) Ask your parents to send you a Valentine’s Day package
There is no shame in getting Valentine’s Day gifts from your parents, or even your
Grandparents. Receiving this package will make you feel loved and unforgotten.
4.) Do not set yourself up for sadness
Do not watch any romantic movies by yourself under any circumstances. This even includes rom coms. It may seem like a festive thing to do at first, however, its not. Don’t do it. Also, do not go and do any major activity by yourself. Just save it for tomorrow when love, relationships, and PDA are not so present.
5.) Most of all love yourself
You are awesome with or without a relationship. Rock Valentine’s Day loving yourself and do it with confidence.
Author: Carissa