Snapcash or Nah
Snapcash or Nah
Have you ever lent money to a friend but they forgot to pay you back? Do you want money instantly? Attention Snapchat Users, there is Snapcash! Snapchat has come up with a way to send money to your friends fast and easy, or better yet receive money fast and easy. 18+ users can sign up by adding a Visa or MasterCard debit card. Account details are held safely by Square Cash.
Using Snapchat’s text-chat feature you type in “$” then the dollar amount you want to send. Snapchat recognizes you’re trying to pay and the send button automatically changes to a green button with a dollar sign. By tapping the button, it deposits money into your friend’s account. Even if your friend hasn’t signed up the money will be waiting for them. For more information click on the link below. As stated in the video all you need to do is “swipe three fingers to make it rain”. What do you think? Would you use it?
Author: Olivia Rotondo