Over winter break, Cayuga Community College offers a study-abroad program for students from various colleges to travel to London for two weeks! They offer this annually. There are also various fields of study that the students can choose to study such as art, history, business, etc. This break, the program ran from January 1st until the 14th. Fisher had a total of 8 students participate, 6 being from the Media and Communication department (Allie Guido, Morgen Irwin, Colby Brown, Alexandra Hristodoulo, Olivia Rotondo and Julia Laude who were part of the Media group on the trip). Here are some of the fun things they did, tourist and media studies related!
On the London Eye! It is a giant Ferris wheel that is 35 minutes long but oversees all of London!
Of course they had to take a typical telephone booth picture!
Here they are visiting the Roman Baths. They are very popular tourist site as a result of their complexity and historical significance.
Here are three members at Stonehenge. As one of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing sones set within earthworks. It is one of the most dense and complex monuments of the Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.
The Beatles or Fisher students? Here they are at Abbey Road. Dodging traffic was clearly worth taking this picture.
Where in the world are they? They visited the Prima Meridian. This great circle divides the earth into two hemispheres. If one uses directions of West and East from a defines Prime Meridian, then they can be called Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.
They became royalty at Buckingham Palace. They were even able to see the Changing of Guards!
Here are a couple shots of the whole media group listening and asking questions to Sarah Marshall who does social media for the Wall Street Journal!
Various shots at the BBC, the British Broadcasting Coporation is a UK-based international public-service broadcaster.
An attractive feature of college is the change to study abroad. The unattractice/stressful feature of this is deciding where and how long you want to study abroad. Studying abroad has been on my mind since I started applying to colleges and with Media Management as my major; I wanted to test drive it before I committed. I had already been to Europe twice with my family so I wanted to see if I had it in me to be okay to go by myself. When I heard about London 2015, I thought this would be the perfect test drive. Two weeks of learning, being legal, and meeting new poeple sounded like an awesome experience. Those two weeks surpasses all of my expectations. I never thought I would learn as much as I did, drink as much as I did (sorry mom), or make as many new friends. In being a part of the media study program, I learned the differences between media in the U.S. and London. I had the opportunity to talk with poeple that worked at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as well as the Wall Street Journal. I wirtnessed what goes on behind the scnes of creating a talk show, toured the British Film Institute, attended a play, went on a film locaiton walk, and I walked across Abbey Road (where the Beatles walked, ring a bell?) All and all, the test drive was a success. London will definitely see me again someday.