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Top 5 #FisherThanks to Think About this Thanksgiving The Holiday Season, especially Thanksgiving, tends to bring on lots of thoughts about what we are thankful for. The PRIMA Group wants to remind you what you can be thankful for at St. John Fisher this Thanksgiving. Check out what real students had to say!

  1. First and foremost, we LOVE our Fisher Family. Not many schools are able to talk about their campus as family, but we are! So today, think about all the amazing friends you have met here at Fisher.


  1. Of course, so many of these families are formed by getting involved on campus. Lucky for us, we have so many chances to join clubs and teams. Fisher gives us over 70 different opportunities to choose which clubs or academic organizations interest us the most. We have everything from an on campus public relations agency to equestrian club! In addition, we have 21 sports teams total (counting men and women’s teams).


  1. Now, we know that Thanksgiving may be about remembering what you are thankful for, but let us not forget about the food! With that being said, Fisher’s food is also on the list! We have six dining locations all with amazing food that I never get sick of…what can beat that? S/O to Lackman this Thanksgiving!


  1. Here at Fisher we try not to ignore the small things because they can make a big difference. For example, think back to that really cold day you had to walk all the way over to the Science Building. Everyone is thankful for those connected academic buildings at some point! No frost bite for us!


  1. Speaking of all the academic buildings, how many times a day do you actually open your own door when walking to class? I’m not talking about the many button operated doors (although those are nice); I’m talking about the person in front of you that holds the door open, then the person in front of him, the person in front of her, and so on.


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